

Bagged Compost Dealers

How to Use Humified Compost

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How to Use Humified Compost

Use a minimum 3, 20 qt. bags for every 100 square ft. of garden space for a 1/4 in deep layer. Use as much as desired, will not burn plants. Meets National Organic Standards.

Fall Application: Evenly apply a 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep layer. For best results, aerate lawns before application.

Early Spring Application: Evenly apply a 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep layer. For best results, repeat this application in 30-45 days.

New Gardens: Apply 1-2 inches of compost and lightly till into the soil.

Spring Application: Apply a light layer of compost on top of the snow in the beginning of April, or as soon as break-up starts. The black color will help to melt the snow and warm the soil.

Spring Application: Evenly apply a 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep layer and lightly till into the soil. After plants are several inches high, apply to one side of each row at a rate of one pound per two feet of row. Repeat every 3-4 weeks as needed.

Fall Application: Evenly apply a 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep layer and lightly till into the soil.

Flower Beds and Rose Gardens
Fall Application: After annual flowers have been removed for the season, evenly apply a 1/4 inch deep layer and rake in or till lightly.

Spring Application: After planting, evenly apply a 1/4 inch deep layer.

House Plants and Potted Flowers
Mix with potting soil or peat at a rate of 10-30 percent.

Existing plants: Apply a 1/4 inch deep layer to the soil surface. Repeat this application every 4 weeks.

Trees and Shrubs
New: Mix with backfill soil at a rate of 10-30%. Apply a 1/2 inch layer around the base of the tree or shrub when finished.

Existing: Apply a 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep layer in a circular pattern around the tree or shrub out 24 inches from the trunk.

Watering Instructions
Avoid over-watering as this is more harmful to plant growth than being too dry. Humified compost adds moisture retention properties; therefore it may not be necessary to water as often.

Susitna Organics
P.O. Box 877405 : 24520 W. Holstein Ave. : Wasilla, AK 99687